Mission: Back to School!

Woodchip wallpaper helps to create a happy, child-friendly and healthy learning environment.

Letting off steam, having a laugh, getting into mischief – the kids have the say in the nursery. So it’s no wonder that the little superheroes, vampires or ice queens let their imagination run riot here, but also have their own ideas of what their kingdom should look like.

School heralds in the next phase, and children’s ideas about their environment change accordingly. It’s now essential to combine a colourful and child-friendly interior with practical surroundings that will promote learning. What’s more, parents are faced with the challenge of creating a low-emission and healthy learning environment for their little ones. Mission impossible? Not with the right wall design. As the number one wallcovering for nurseries, Erfurt Rauhfaser woodchip ticks all the boxes. It is perfect for versatile design as it can be painted, offering the option of visually separating the learning and play zones of the room. While princesses, trains and cars might creatively adorn the rest of the room, the use of orange to promote concentration or a calming blue is ideal above your child’s desk, depending on how they prefer to learn. And when children become teenagers and crave a different colour, simply painting over the woodchip creates a new look in an instant. Minimal effort over the years for a lasting impact!

And speaking of sustainability: Woodchip has been certified with the “Blue Angel” eco-label for decades and is made exclusively from high-quality recycled paper, mixed with wood fibres from sustainably managed forests. It is free of harmful plasticisers, solvents and PVC and, as a breathable, moisture-regulating wallpaper, creates the perfect foundation for healthy and allergy-friendly air quality. So take a deep breath, get wallpapering, and look forward to your child starting school.


A child’s ideas about their nursery change when they start school. Erfurt Rauhfaser woodchip ticks all the boxes when it comes to wall design. (Photo: Erfurt wallcoverings)

Making learning fun: the right wall design can be calming and yet promote learning at the same time. (Photo: Erfurt wallcoverings)

Simply beautiful: healthy woodchip will have both parents and children smiling. (Photo: Erfurt wallcoverings)

Healthy walls: woodchip is free of PVC, plasticisers and other harmful additives. (Photo: Erfurt wallcoverings)

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