Clean, unobtrusive, straightforward: Many homes are only ever painted white or in a neutral shade. Adding colour to walls and the ceiling can produce incredible effects, at the same time as having a positive impact on the occupants’ sense of well-being. Here are just a few examples of how this works: If a room lacks depth or has a low ceiling making it feel smalI, painting the wallcovering in a bright and delicate colour makes the space seem visually larger. Rooms appear higher if the ceiling is painted in a lighter colour than the walls. Long, narrow hallways and long rooms can gain width by painting the end wall in a darker shade than the side walls and ceiling. Conversely, uncomfortably large rooms can look smaller when the wallcovering is painted in a bold colour, as dark, warm colours absorb a lot of light. A slightly darker shade of paint on the ceiling helps to visually lower the ceiling. Does your room feel too long? A dark end wall with lighter shades elsewhere makes the end wall seem closer, giving the impression of reducing the length of the room. Does your room seem too wide? Paint the side walls in a darker colour with a light-coloured ceiling and end wall to make the room appear narrower: this frames the room and brings the walls closer together.
You can have so much fun experimenting with colours on Erfurt & Sohn wallcoverings, which can be re-painted several times. The different textures of woodchip and embossed Vliesfaser nonwoven wallcoverings and flat nonwoven provide even more opportunities to influence the spatial impact of a room. For instance, textured wallcoverings can reinforce the impact of the colour and conceal any uneven areas on the wall. Erfurt wallcoverings are more than just decorative – they are sustainable and free of harmful ingredients, such as plasticisers, PVC or solvents, so they also help to create a healthy indoor environment.
Find out more about the impact of different shades of paint on wallcoverings along with some handy wallpapering hints and ideas here on our website.