KlimaTec IP 2500+
The Interior Insulation Plate
Thanks to their thermal insulating properties, ERFURT-KlimaTec Interior Insulation Plates IP 2500+/IP 3500+ improve the U-value of existing buildings, thereby saving considerable energy. The interior insulation plates are used on the insides of exterior walls.
The benefits at a glance:
- Highly thermal insulating λ = 0.035 W/(mK)
- Minimal layer thickness
- Breathable
- Simple and fast to use
- Versatile design options, i.e. it can be wallpapered over
- No calculated dewpoint certificate needed in line with DIN 4108
More information
> KlimaTec brochure
> Decorating TECHNIQUE Special: Interior insulation
> Technical Data Sheet and Instructions for Use
> Material Safety Data Sheet
> KlimaTec Video
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