KlimaTec Thermovlies Premium
The sophisticated interior insulation
Effective thermal insulation on walls and ceilings: The thermal energy in the room air is to a large extent radiated back off wall surfaces that have been covered with KlimaTec Thermovlies Premium, ensuring that the maximum amount of heat is available to heat up the room air. Rooms thus become warmer more quickly, with reduced energy consumption. This Premium product stands out on account of its particularly effective use of thermal energy on walls and ceilings.
The benefits at a glance:
- Minimal material thickness: 3.0 mm
- Breathable and moisture-regulating
- Mould prevention
- Suitable for allergy-sufferers
- Works with composite thermal insulation systems
- Simple renovation of all solid base surfaces, including woodchip textures
- Reduces the heating-up time in a room by up to 75%
- Up to 22% long-term energy savings
- Saving of up to 50% stored thermal energy
More information
> Technical Data Sheet
> Thermovlies Energy-saving calculator
> KlimaTec video blog
> Product quality
> Quality seals
> Quantity Calculator
Available in DIY/home improvement stores
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