Write it on your wall

Step-by-step instruction

"Make it happen" is perfect for this lettering wall design.

The cool image only needs to be copied and painted with the help of a template and a projector. Sounds too good to be true? See for yourself and customise your own walls!

First apply ERFURT-Vliesfaser MAXX Sand to the wall. You can find detailed step-by-step instructions for this at www.erfurt.com/vliesfaser-tapezieren. Other finely textured, nonwoven wallpaper or nonwoven woodchip wallcoverings are also ideal as the background for this creative wall design.

And now unleash your creativity!

HANDY HINT: When priming the wall in grey, the areas painted first will often dry before you have painted the entire area. This gives the impression of darker and lighter areas. The overall painted area will look more even once the paint has dried.

No longer happy with your quote or feel that it has not succeeded visually as well as you had hoped? Not a problem – simply paint over it again! All our wallcoverings can be re-painted several times and are therefore wonderfully versatile and adaptable.

1. Use a projector to project the letters onto the wall.


2. Draw around the outline of the lettering on the wall with a pencil.

3. Use white paint to colour in the outlined letters.

4. Gradually paint all the letters.

5. It looks particularly good if you leave a few blank spaces in the letters to show the painted wall behind.

6. Finish painting all the letters.

List of tools for this decorative technique

  • Ladder
  • Paint roller
  • Paint tray
  • Different thicknesses of paintbrush
  • Template
  • Projector or overhead projector (or alternatively make a template)
  • Pencil

List of materials

  • ERFURT-Vliesfaser MAXX Sand or another textured wallcovering
  • Paste for the new wallcovering
  • White and light grey wall paint

Wall design lettering