Keen to give your home a makeover?

Use coloured walls to skillfully create rooms full of atmosphere.

Most walls in Germany are painted white. Little wonder really, because you basically can’t go wrong with white: it is totally neutral and blends with every room design and furniture style. However, over time, a lack of colour can become rather boring. So, if you fancy a change and want to experience your apartment in a completely different light, why not consider coloured walls? Colours do more than simply express your personal style – they also improve the ambience of the room and affect your mood.

The design opportunities with colour are almost limitless. For instance, are you looking to visually increase the size of a room to create a more open atmosphere? In that case, we would recommend painting the walls in a light shade, such as jade, pink, beige, yellow or light blue. These shades are light and invigorating, exude positive energy and bring more life into your home. By contrast, many people still consider dark colours to be suffocating and dull. But this is quite wrong, because here too: it comes down to the proper combination! For instance, while a strong shade of blue helps to reduce stress, a wall painted in a deep orange colour can even increase productivity. When properly combined, dark colours can even give rooms a homely and cosy feel. If you would like to learn more about "Changing the impact of a room with paint", you can find a wealth of examples with useful hints and ideas about which walls to paint and how to achieve a special effect at It’s actually really fun to give the walls of your apartment a new coat of paint every now and then. And especially when it takes minimal effort, because you have used an Erfurt wallcovering. Regardless of whether you are using woodchip, flat nonwoven or nonwoven wallcoverings: all Erfurt wallcoverings can be easily painted over several times.

Check out more ideas as well as usual hints and tips here.


A lush green can be very calming and harmonious and is capable of transforming a room into a veritable oasis of well-being (Photo: Erfurt wallcoverings)

Dark blue has a calming effect and, among other things, also helps to actively reduce stress. (Photo: Erfurt wallcoverings)

Yellow promotes creativity – a wall painted yellow can really boost your productivity! (Photo: Erfurt wallcoverings)

Not just for little girls’ rooms: soft shades of pink are relaxing and helps to reduce aggression wherever they are used. (Photo: Erfurt wallcoverings)

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